4836 publications found.
İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadelede Teknoloji, Türkiye için Öneriler, Bölüm II: Türkiye’de Çevreye Duyarlı Teknoloji Transferi (Technology for Combating Climate Change, Proposals for Turkey, Part II: Turkish Approach to the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies) Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul 2022, 14
Harmonization of Employee Invention Laws: The Black Hole of the EU's Innovation Policy (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 22-03), 2022, 33
Open Sourcing AI: Intellectual Property at the Service of Platform Leadership 2022, 28
Cyber Dimension of Hybrid Wars: Escaping a 'Grey Zone' of International Law to Adress Economic Damages Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 8, 2 (2022), 115 - 120 (
2022: Ankunft im Post-Open-Data-Zeitalter. Die Zukunft der Regulierung von Daten des öffentlichen Sektors Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 12, 1 (2022), 3 - 8.
Le Principe Par Condicio Creditorium Dans Le Nouveau Droit De La Restructuration : Une Étude Comparative Franco-allemande in: L’effervescence Du Droit Des Affaires Au XXIe Siècle : Mélanges En L’honneur Du Professeur Arlette Martin-Serf, Bruylant, Bruxelles 2022, 345 - 362 (
Vertical Restraints under Indian Competition Law: Whither Law and Economics Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 10, 1 (2022), 194 - 215.