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5899 publications found.


Goldstein, Paul (Hg.) Intellectual Property in Asia. Law, Economics, History and Politics (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, 9), Springer, Berlin 2009, XVIII + 357 S. (gemeinsam mit Joseph Straus).


Mueller-Langer, Frank (2009). Creating R&D Incentives for Medicines for Neglected Diseases. An Economic Analysis of Parallel Imports, Patents, and Alternative Mechanisms to Stimulate Pharmaceutical Research (Gabler Research: Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Discussion Papers

Harhoff, Dietmar; Hoisl, Karin; van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B. (2009). Languages, Fees and the Regional Scope of Patenting in Europe.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation; Harhoff, Dietmar; Allmendinger, Jutta; Achleitner, Ann-Christin; Llerena, Patrick; Luther, Joachim (Hg.) (2009). Report - Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany. Berlin: EFI.


Seitz, Esther Fact-gathering in patent infringement cases - rule 34 discovery and the Saisie-Contrefaçon (MIPLC Studies, 4), 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden 2009, 55 S.


Law, Andrew Patents and public health - legalising the policy thoughts in the Doha TRIPS Declaration of 14 November 2001 (MIPLC Studies, 3), 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden 2009, 291 S.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Eidenmüller, Horst; Engert, Andreas; Hornuf, Lars (2009). Incorporating Under European Law: The Societas Europaea as a Vehicle for Legal Arbitrage European Business Organization Law Review, 10 (1), 1-33.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Eidenmüller, Horst; Engert, Andreas; Hornuf, Lars (2009). Vom Wert der Wahlfreiheit: Eine empirische Analyse der Societas Europaea als Rechtsformalternative Die Aktiengesellschaft, 54 (23), 845-855.

Contributions to Collected Editions

Eidenmüller, Horst; Engert, Andreas; Hornuf, Lars (2009). Incorporating Under European Law: The Societas Europaea as a Vehicle for Legal Arbitrage in: Alessio M. Pacces (Hg.), The Law and Economics of Corporate Governance 82-116. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Eidenmüller, Horst; Engert, Andreas; Hornuf, Lars (2009). Warum unterstellen sich Unternehmen europäischem Recht? Ein erster empirischer Befund, Finanzplatz-Report (5), 20-21.