5899 publications found.
Comments on EUCJ judgment 'Best' AIDA - Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore, della Cultura e dello Spettacolo 23, 1581 (2014), 519 - 526.
Schranken der Einheitlichkeit im Gemeinschaftsmarkenrecht nach "Chronopost" und "Pago" in: Festschrift für Joachim Bornkamm zum 65. Geburtstag, C.H. Beck, München 2014, 587 - 598.
La dimensión internacional del Derecho de libre competencia in: José Antonio García Cruces (
Régimen jurídico del transporte marítimo de pasajeros: contratos de pasaje y crucero (Regulation of the Transport of Passengers by Sea: Contacts of Carriage and Cruise) Marcial Pons, Madrid 2014, 379
La propiedad intelectual de las traducciones (Intellectual Property in Translations) Actas de Derecho Industrial y Derecho de Autor 34, 2013-2014 (2014), 209 - 230.
Asignación de slots aeroportuarios y grupos de compañías aéreas: problemas de Derecho de la Competencia (Airport Slots Allocation and Groups of Airlines: Problems of Competition Law) Diritto dei Trasporti I/2014 (2014).
New Requirements and Risk Distribution for the Liability of Carriers of Passengers by Sea in the Event of Accidents under Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 European Transport Law III (2014), 247 - 270.
La natura giuridica del bilietto di passaggio e del bollettino di bagaglio: gli ordinamenti italiano e spagnolo a confronto, e l’influenza della recente normativa dell’UE (Legal nature of the carriage ticket and the baggage check: a comparison of Spanish and Italian regulations, and the influence of the recent European regulation) Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione XLIII, I (2014).
Novedades jurídico-contables introducidas por la Ley de Apoyo a los Emprendedores y su Internacionalización: reformas andantes y pendientes (New accounting regulation introduced by the Spanish Law to support entrepreneurship and its internationalization: current and coming reforms) La Ley Mercantil 1, april (2014), 30 - 45.