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5899 publications found.

Journal articles

Kathuria, Vikas A Conceptual Framework to Identify Dynamic Efficiency European Competition Journal 11, 2-3 (2015), 319 - 339.

Journal articles

Kim, Daria Enabling Access to Clinical Trial Data: When is Unfair Use Fair? Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property Law 14, 2 (2015), 521 - 552.

Journal articles

Stumpf, Aaron Digestenexegese zu Paul. 13 ed. Studentische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft Heidelberg WissOn 2 (2015), 234 - 251.

Journal articles

Stumpf, Aaron Tagungsbericht: Nel mondo del diritto romano Zeitschrift für das Juristische Studium 5 (2015), 542 - 545.

Journal articles

Zappalaglio, Andrea The Protection of Geographical Indications: Ambitions and Concrete Limitations Edinburgh Student Law Review 2, 4 (2015), 89 - 102.

Journal articles

Zappalaglio, Andrea International exhaustion of trade marks and parallel imports in the US and the EU: how to achieve symmetry? Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 5, 1 (2015), 68 - 86.

Contributions to collected editions

Carls, Suelen Geographical indications in the Brazilian intellectual property law in: L.O. Pimentel, A.O. Leite, M.P. Ramaswamy (Hg.), When East meets West. China-Brazil deliberations on contemporary legal issues, Prava Publications, Florianópolis 2015, 161 - 166.

Journal articles

Carls, Suelen O instituto jurídico da indicação geográfica na promoção do desenvolvimento regional. O caso dos cristais artesanais da Região de Blumenau Redes 20, 3 (2015), 293 - 313.

Contributions to collected editions

Carls, Suelen Signos distintivos e potenciais benefícios ao desenvolvimento territorial in: V.R. Dallabrida (Hg.), Indicação geográfica e desenvolvimento territorial. Reflexões sobre o tema e potencialidade no Estado de Santa Catarina, LiberArs, São Paulo 2015, 117 - 134 (gemeinsam mit L. Locatelli, L.O. Pimentel).

Journal articles

Albino, J. da S. Indicações geográficas de serviços. Polêmicas do Porto Digital Cadernos de Prospecção 8, 3 (2015), 587 - 594 (gemeinsam mit Suelen Carls).