5896 publications found.
Contributions to collected editions
Picht, Peter From Transfer of Technology to Innovation Through Access in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 509 - 527.
Contributions to handbooks
Straus, Joseph Friedrich-Karl Beier (1926-1997) in: Simon Apel, Louis Pahlow, Matthias Wießner (Hg.), Biographisches Handbuch des Geistigen Eigentums, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2016, 41 - 45.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Cremers, Katrin; Gaessler, Fabian; Harhoff, Dietmar; Helmers, Christian; Lefouili, Yassine (2016). Invalid but Infringed? An Analysis of the Bifurcated Patent Litigation System Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 131 (PA), 218-242.
Contributions to collected editions
Köklü, Kaya How Public Is the Public Domain? The Perpetual Protection of Inventions, Designs and Works by Trademarks in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 561 - 599 (gemeinsam mit Sylvie Nérisson).
Contributions to collected editions
Bakhoum, Mor TRIPS and Competition Rules: From Transfer of Technology to Innovation Policy in: Hanns Ullrich et al. (Hg.), TRIPS plus 20 - From Trade Rules to Market Principles (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 25), Springer, Heidelberg; Berlin 2016, 529 - 559 (gemeinsam mit Beatriz Conde Gallego).
Discussion Papers
Stuerz, Roland (2015). Imprinting and Inertia – Density Delay Revisited Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 15-16.
Discussion Papers
Brenner, Thomas; Dorner, Matthias (2015). The Cyclical Dynamics of Industries in West Germany - Testing the Industry Life Cycle Hypothesis Papers on Economics & Evolution 1505.
Discussion Papers
Zwick, Thomas; Frosch, Katharina; Hoisl, Karin; Harhoff, Dietmar (2015). The Power of Individual-Level Drivers of Inventive Performance ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-080. Mannheim: ZEW, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung.
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Harhoff, Dietmar (2015). Europas digitale Mühe - Gastkommentar, Neue Zürcher Zeitung 22.10.2015, 12.
Journal articles
Lembo, Sara The Italian Competition Authority Opens an Investigation into the Tender Procedures for Oxygen-Therapy and Ventilo-Therapy Services at Home (Gare ossigenoterapia e ventilopterapia) Bulletin e-Competitions 2015 (gemeinsam mit Giulio Matarazzi).