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5901 publications found.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Copyright and the freedom to Create - A Fragile Balance IIC 38, 6 (2007), 707 - 722.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe The New French Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 1 August 2006 - An Adaptation to the Needs of the Information Society? IIC 38, 4 (2007), 401 - 428.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Trade Marks and Freedom of Expression - The Proportionality of Criticism IIC 38, 3 (2007), 317 - 327.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Die französische Regierungsstudie zur Immaterialgüterwirtschaft: Ein Wegweiser für die Zukunft des europäischen Urheberrechts? GRUR Int 56, 10 (2007), 816 - 819.

Journal articles

Falletti, Elena Work on E-Justice 2007: le tendenze dell'informatizzazione della giustizia in Europa Diritto dell'Internet 3, 6 (2007), 638 - 642.

Journal articles

Falletti, Elena La diffusione della cultura giuridica in Internet tra autorevolezza e accessibilità Ciberspazio e diritto = Cyberspace and law 8, 1 (2007), 29 - 48.

Journal articles

Falletti, Elena La responsabilità dell'internet provider in diritto comparato per materiale pubblicato da terzi: (Supreme Court of California, 20 novembre 2006) (Tribunale de Grande Instance de Paris, 19 ottobre 2006) Diritto dell'Internet 3, 2 (2007), 137 - 147.

Journal articles

Oliver, Peter Free movement of goods: Recent developments in the case law Common Market Law Review 44, 3 (2007), 649 - 704 (gemeinsam mit Stefan Enchelmaier).

Journal articles

Enchelmaier, Stefan Stickers all over again: the ECJ in Boehringer Ingelheim No. 2 European current law / Yearbook 2007, XLII - XLVI.

Journal articles

Enchelmaier, Stefan The Inexhaustible Question - Free Movement of Goods and Intellectual Property in the European Court of Justice's Case Law, 2002-2006 IIC 38, 4 (2007), 453 - 470.