792 publications found.
Discussion Papers
Hall, Bronwyn H. (2020). Patents, Innovation, and Development NBER Working Paper No. 27203.
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Hornuf, Lars; Schilling, Tobias; Schwienbacher, Armin (2020). The Relevance of Investor Rights in Equity Crowdfunding, Machine Lawyering 2020.
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Hornuf, Lars; Dorfleitner, Gregor (2020). FinTech and Data Privacy in Germany, Machine Lawyering 2020.
Heite, Jonas (2020). Incentives for Collaboration and Competition - Experimental Evidence on Innovation, Behavior and Performance (Innovation und Entrepreneurship). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Stuerz, Roland; Stumpf, Christian; Mendel, Ulrike; Harhoff, Dietmar (2020). Digitalisierung durch Corona? - Verbreitung und Akzeptanz von Homeoffice in Deutschland: Ergebnisse zweier bidt-Kurzbefragungen (bidt Analysen und Studien Nr. 3). München: bidt -Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation .
Feuerbaum, Carsten (2020). Labour, Automation Innovation and Human Capital, Dissertation. Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Katholische Universität.
Discussion Papers
Hall, Bronwyn H. (2020). Tax Policy and Innovation NBER Working Paper Series 25773 .
Conference papers
Hagerer, Gerhard; Moeed, Abdul; Dugar, Sumit; Gupta, Sarthak; Mitevski, Oliver; Gosh, Mainak; Danner, Hannah; Mitevski, Oliver; Nawroth, Andreas; Groh, Georg (2020). An Evaluation of Progressive Neural Networks for Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing in: Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, European Language Resources Association, Marseille 2020, 1376-1381.
Discussion Papers
Danzer, Alexander M.; Feuerbaum, Carsten; Gaessler, Fabian (2020). Labor Supply and Automation Innovation IZA DP No. 13429. Bonn: IZA – Institute of Labor Economics.
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Hagerer, Gerhard; Moeed, Abdul; Dugar, Sumit; Gupta, Sarthak; Ghosh, Mainak; Danner, Hannah; Mitevski, Oliver; Nawroth, Andreas; Groh, Georg (2020). An Evaluation of Progressive Neural Networks for Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing, in: Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020) Marseille, 1376-1381.