5886 publications found.
The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Creative Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Management of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms GRUR Int 69, 8 (2020), 852 - 854.
Confidentiality and Transparency in FRAND Litigation in the EU Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15, 3 (2020), 173 - 184 (
Emerging Patterns in the Judicial Determination of FRAND Rates: Comparable Agreements and the Top-Down Approach for FRAND Royalties Determination GRUR Int 69, 9 (2020), 885 - 892.
Die Reparaturklausel im Designrecht: Eine wettbewerbs- und immaterialgüterrechtlich gebotene Reform GRUR 122, 3 (2020), 234 - 248.
Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Recht im digitalen Wandel Jahrbuch / Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2019 (2020), 93 - 103.
The Fairy Tale of the Average Consumer: Why We Should Not Rely on the Real Consumer When Assessing the Likelihood of Confusion GRUR Int 69, 10 (2020), 1008 - 1026.
Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 Years Haul to Awarded Employee Compensation in the UK GRUR Int 69, 7 (2020), 727 - 734.
Recht und Digitalisierung - Digitization and the Law Nomos, Baden-Baden,