4851 publications found.
Avant Propos in: Christophe Geiger (
What Kind of Use is This? - Open Question Aften ONEL/OMEL IPRInfo 3 (2013), 8 - 11.
World Economy and Intellectual Property between 1990 and 2013 - The Role of Academies in Developing Intellectual Property in: Proceedings of Sino-German Symposium on "Cross Boarder Cooperative Innovation and Intellectual Property", School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 2013, 1 - 8.
ATRIP and the Changing Environment - A Retrospective The WIPO journal 4, 2 (2013), 242 - 247.
Courts as Pacemakers of Innovation - As Reflected in Case Law on Patentable Subject Matter in: The Role of Courts in IP and Innovations - Proceedings of the 2013 Judicial Symposium in Korea, Supreme Court of Korea, Seoul 2013, 110 - 141.
Professor José Antonio Gómez Segade and the Munich Max-Planck-Institute - Contribution in honor of Prof. José Antonio Gómez Segade Actas de derecho Industrial y derecho de Autor 2013, 58 - 60.
Režim Európskeho inštitutu pre telekomunikačné normy – ETSI: Zásady, rozhodné právo a účinok ETSI voči predloženým vyhláseniam (translation from German into Slovak language) Právny obzor 2013, 543 - 566.
Preface in: Shoukang GUO (