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5873 publications found.

Discussion Papers

Aggarwal, Mayank; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Chatterjee, Chirantan; Higgins, Matthew John (2021). Research and Market Structure: Evidence from an Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogenic Outbreak NBER Working Paper 28840.

Journal articles

Ullrich, Hanns Private Enforcement of the EU Rules on Competition – Nullity Neglected IIC 52, 5 (2021), 606 - 635.

Journal articles

Guerrieri, Flavia The Farm to Fork Strategy as an External Driver for Change: Possible Impacts on Nested GI Rule Systems Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 16, 4-5 (2021), 331 - 340.

Journal articles

Konertz, Roman Abgeltungs- oder Trennungstheorie: Zur Rechtsnatur der Vergütung im Arbeitnehmerurheberrecht - Zugleich eine Stellungnahme zu Wandtke/Leidl, GRUR 2021, 447 GRUR 124, 3 (2021), 123 - 130.

Journal articles

Hilty, Reto M. International Instrument on Permitted Uses in Copyright Law IIC 52, 1 (2021), 62 - 67 (gemeinsam mit Kaya Köklü et al.).

Journal articles

Kur, Annette Easy Is Not Always Good – The Fragmented System for Adjudication of Unitary Trade Marks and Designs IIC 52, 5 (2021), 579 - 595.

Contributions to collected editions

Kur, Annette Trade Mark (And Design) Law from a Personal Perspective in: Peter Drahos, Gustavo Ghidini, Hanns Ullrich (Hg.), Kritika - Essays on Intellectual Property, Volume 5, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA, USA; Cheltenham, UK 2021, 48 - 72.

Contributions to collected editions

Kur, Annette Enforcing Design Rights Throughout Europe in: Henning Hartwig (Hg.), Research Handbook on Design Law (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property), Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA, USA; Cheltenham, UK 2021, 283 - 302.

Contributions to collected editions

Kur, Annette Protection of Spare Parts and Design Law: A Comparative Law Analysis in: Henning Hartwig (Hg.), Research Handbook on Design Law (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property), Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA, USA; Cheltenham, UK 2021, 304 - 343 (gemeinsam mit Adam György).


Kur, Annette Rezension von: Max Dregelies: Territoriale Reichweite von Unterlassungsansprüchen. Eine Studie mit Schwerpunkt im deutschen und europäischen Persönlichkeits- und Immaterialgüterrecht. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020 (Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, Bd. 454). XXIV, 293 S., ISBN 978–3-16–159766–4 Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 13, 2 (2021), 223 - 229.