4851 publications found.
Stellungnahme des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht zur Anfrage des Bundesministeriums der Justiz vom 19. Februar 2009: Urheberrecht „Dritter Korb“ 2009, 54
The Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania fines several undertakings for an agreement on a fixed tender fee (Advertising and Media Planning Agencies and their Association) e-Competitions Bulletin June 2009 (2009).
European Commission - Green Paper: Copyright in the Knowledge Economy - Comments by the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law 2009, 20
Of Oceans, Islands, and Inland Water - How Much Room for Exceptions and Limitations Under the Three-Step Test? (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper Series, No. 08-04 ), 2009, 48
Trips, Patent Rights and Right to Health - "Price" or "Prize" for better access to medicine (Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law Research Paper Series, No. 10-07), 2009, 51
Applying Institutional Choice Theory to Patent Right – Case of Patentable Subject Matter Debates 2009, 21
§§ 74-78 und 233-235 in: Johannes Schramm et al. (
Note to Case Pre-Laminated Multi-Layer Band, LG Düsseldorf, 4a O 27/07 IIC 40, 1 (2009), 96 - 106.