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5900 publications found.

Case notes

Hartmann, Thomas Besprechung von BGH-Beschluss vom 20.09.2012, Az. I ZR 69/11, EuGH-Vorlage zur Zulässigkeit elektronischer Leseplätze in Bibliotheken - Elektronische Leseplätze GRUR 115, 5 (2013), 507 - 509.

Journal articles

Bakhoum, Mor Interfacing the 'Local' with the 'Global': A Developing Country Perspective on 'Global Competition' Concurrences 1 (2013), 66 - 76.

Journal articles

Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning A Conflict-of-Laws Approach to Competing Rationalities in International Law: The Case of Plain Packaging between IP, Trade, Investment and Health Journal of Private International Law 9, 2 (2013), 309 - 348.

Contributions to collected editions

Geiger, Christophe The Social Function of Intellectual Property Rights, or How Ethics can Influence the Shape and Use of IP Law in: Graeme B. Dinwoodie (Hg.), Methods And Perspectives In Intellectual Property (ATRIP Intellectual Property Series), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2013, 153.

Contributions to handbooks

Hilty, Reto M. Collective Copyright Management and Digitization: The European Experience in: Ruth Towse, Christian Handke (Hg.), Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2013, 222 - 234 (gemeinsam mit Sylvie Nérisson).

Journal articles

Kur, Annette Not Prior in Time, But Superior in Right: How Trademark Registrations Can be Affected by Third Party Interests in a Sign IIC 44, 7 (2013), 790 - 814.


Jaeger, Thomas System einer Europäischen Gerichtsbarkeit für Immaterialgüterrechte: Grundlagen - Struktur - Verfahren Springer, Berlin 2013, XLI + 1196 S.

Journal articles

Jaeger, Thomas Einheitspatent - Zulässigkeit der verstärkten Zusammenarbeit ohne Spanien und Italien Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 66, 28 (2013), 1998 - 2001.


Jaeger, Thomas Shielding the Unitary Patent from the ECJ: A Rash and Futile Exercise IIC 44, 4 (2013), 389 - 391.

Journal articles

Jaeger, Thomas The Inquistion Retakes Brussels (via the Draft Procedural Regulation) European state aid law quarterly 12 (2013), 441 - 443.