5899 publications found.
Competition Law in Media Markets and its Contribution to Democracy – A Global Perspective World competition 38, 3 (2015), 367 - 393.
Law and Anthropology 2.
Competition on the Internet (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 23), Springer, Berlin 2015, IX + 108
The Economic Characteristics of Developing Jurisdictions: Their Implications for Competition Law Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2015, XVII + 402
Compulsory Licensing. Practical Experiences and Ways Forward (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 22), Springer, Berlin 2015, VI + 458
The Analysis of the Factor of Statutory Public Interest in U.S. Section 337 Investigations and the New Option for Chines Enterprises (Chinese article) International Business (CSSCI) 2 (2015).
Comparative Analysis of the Legal Adoptability of the “Contemporary Meaning” in the Treaty Interpretation In WTO And ICJ Cases (English article) China and WTO Review 03 (2015).
Introduction in: Josef Drexl et al. (