Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Stellungnahme des Max-Planck-Instituts für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, München, vom 29.4.2013 - Zum Grünbuch der Europäischen Kommission über unlautere Handelspraktiken in der B2B-Lieferkette für Lebensmittel und Nicht-Lebensmittel in Europa vom 31.1.2013, COM(2013) 37 final

Hilty, Reto M.Stellungnahme des Max-Planck-Instituts für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, München, vom 29.4.2013 - Zum Grünbuch der Europäischen Kommission über unlautere Handelspraktiken in der B2B-Lieferkette für Lebensmittel und Nicht-Lebensmittel in Europa vom 31.1.2013, COM(2013) 37 final 2013, 13 pp. (together with Frauke Henning-Bodewig, Rupprecht Podszun).

Auch veröffentlicht in IIC, 44,6 (2013), 701 - 709

The economic situation in the retail chain is increasingly characterised by cross-border transactions of undertakings with market power. As the European Commission rightly points out in its Green Paper this may lead to unbalanced bargaining power and unfair market practices. The Green Paper considers the different approaches of national law to combat such unfair B2B practices in the supply chain as promoting the development of trade barriers and suggests specific regulation. The Comments of the Max Planck Institute point out that such specific legislation may lead to a further fragmentation and incoherency of the European aquis and may cause rifts within existing and proposed regulations in the field of antitrust law, unfair competition law and contract law.

Handelspraktiken B2B 2013

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