Journal articles
Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Bridging the Innovation Gender Gap: Analysis Under EU Merger Control

Ban, EceBridging the Innovation Gender Gap: Analysis Under EU Merger Control Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 2025, forthcoming, 19.03.2025 (together with Carolina Banda).

The paper explores the 'innovation gender gap' that is a significant source of concern in AI and healthcare.
It discusses how merger review could include gender aspects of innovation in its analysis regarding both theory of harm and commitments.
The current framework under merger review provides a limited perspective to account for the value and direction of innovation. Therefore, this paper explores the ways in which gender-driven considerations can be added within the innovation analysis to address the gender gap.
This research recommends behavioural remedies that could provide for specific measures such as diversity in R&D teams to reduce inequality in innovation processes and outputs.

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