Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
This joint research project studies knowledge worker productivity in the context of exogenous shocks on inventor teams as well as in the context of inventors’ labor market mobility across firms and regions. By implementing empirical research designs, the project seeks to arrive at causal estimates on the determinants of inventor productivity and to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of employment dynamics on knowledge production. The empirical work draws on novel linked inventor biography data which were generated using methods of record linkage and machine learning. These data combine patent-based information on inventive activities with comprehensive labor market careers as recorded in social security data.
This project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Dr. Fabian Gaessler,
Dr. Jörg Heining (IAB),
Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl (MPI and University of Mannheim)
Dr. Matthias Dorner (IAB),
Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D.,
Felix Pöge